Ahaha.. lagi gaje nih.. I don't know why, I'm just wanna post pictures of cats around me.. XP.. I believe that many people love cat (like me, my friends -Ndut, Nyem-, Takeru Sato and Kei-chan of NEWS) but many people didn't love cat.. (like my friend -Ramen- and Shige of NEWS.. XDD).. Maybe cause of fear of cat or allergies... Hai', this is it "Cats Around Me"

This is my lovely cat, Brownk. But he died two years ago.. ,>;<,

This is Lenny with her children.. XP.. They are live in my schoolyard.

Lenny's child. O(≧∇≦)O

"Cats in the corner of the house"
this is the cats in the another alley
Canteen's cats.. Kawaii ne~~ o(≧▽≦)o♪
kyaaa~ unyuuuuu~
BalasHapusdin suka kucing...tapi cuma buat di liat~ bukan dipegang..hahaha